? How to Make Money from a Food Blog without Ads

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If you have been thinking about ways to make money with your food blog without ads, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you! That’s like you and over 10,000 other food bloggers right now and it makes complete sense.

Plus thinking about money is absolutely encouraged!


How to make money from your food blog without ads with Chioma Gabriel

As someone who has been blogging and showing other people how to start a blog that makes money, I understand the point where you are staring at all that hard work and thinking of the best ways to make money from your food blog without ads. Of course ads are great and one of the largest income sources for a lot of food bloggers, but what happens to the bloggers who are yet to reach the traffic threshold to be accepted into premium ads networks?

That’s exactly what this blogpost is about; showing you some of the best and enjoyable ways to start making money with your food blog even without ads (Maybe with Adsense because we all know the income is almost next to nothing for small blogs)

Whenever the topic of making money blogging comes up, I like to quickly point something out and I believe it changes everything from the onset- You are going to make money from your blog but you are going to have to treat your blog like a business!

Yes, a business. Not a hobby, a side project, or something you are just trying out to see how it goes. Blogging takes a lot of conscious effort, especially now that you want it to make money doing it.

I’ll state that this post is for two categories of food bloggers; for you if you are currently waiting to apply to Ad networks and also for you if you are already making money with ad revenue.


I have found that this keeps a lot of bloggers stuck because their minds are fixed on reaching a certain pageviews a month before they can be certain that their blogs will start to earn an income. 

What you probably haven’t heard enough, is that you do not need to be a big blogger with hundreds of thousands of views to make a full-time income from your blog. Short answer is yes,  you certainly can make a full-time income without ads on your food blog.

Here’s how:


Being a blogger, you already have a lot of power in your hands. First you have a blog where people find your valuable content everyday and then you automatically position yourself as an expert when people need help on topics you blog about.

This is always a great opportunity to sell something to your audience. Of course that would be something helpful and exactly what they need.

You already have people coming to your blog everyday, but that traffic (big or small) will never translate to income because you are not offering something for sale.

Let’s look over a few things a food blogger can coach or teach on their blog

  • Recipe books /Cookbooks (Digital/Ebooks so you don’t have to ship anything)
  • An online course or Ebook on a certain food specialty you possess
  • A cooking skill that will change people’s lives
  • Worksheets 
  • Private coaching or mastermind group discussions
  • Show aspiring food bloggers how to start a food blog
  • A mini photography class on how to take very professional food pictures from home

The beauty of monetizing a blog is the vast opportunities it gives you to try your hands out on different things. Whatever skills or knowledge you have doing what you are already doing, there are people out there who would be happy to pay you to learn.

Affiliate Marketing

This is one blog monetization method that can sweep ads off the scenes when done right. Affiliate marketing is simply marketing other people’s relevant products or offers on your blog where you will receive a commission for qualified sales.

When people find your blog posts on google, it is never a mistake. It is always because they searched for something specific and your blog came up. This is what makes Affiliate marketing so effective. People will generally click on the links you recommend on your site to better solve their immediate problems.


The internet exists to offer help to people who dare ask for it. Affiliate marketing makes a great monetization method where you can make money from your blog without creating or selling your own products, without relying solely on ads revenue and pitching for brand sponsorships.

It means that you can make a full-time income even with a small blog. When the income from Affiliate marketing builds up enough to a sustainable high income, I have found that a lot of bloggers strip their blogs of ads and rely solely on Affiliate income. Affiliate marketing for bloggers is done within blog posts. 

First, you become a member of affiliate networks that are relevant to your niche, grab your affiliate links and start to strategically include the links within your posts where they make complete sense.


See a list of Affiliate Programs to choose from 

It’s best to go for relevance and pick affiliate programs that are related to what you generally blog about and you can see how the offers can help your audience.


I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the food blogging niche is a pretty interesting one and high in searches. This shows that there are millions of people everyday on the lookout for resources that can make their lives so much better in areas of the kitchen.

Now cooking and food is very vast. Pick something you know too well that also gets frequently asked for, you can create a valuable Ebook showing people how it’s done.

With self-publishing a book on Amazon KDP on the other hand, you will not need to do a lot of marketing as Amazon already has a wide audience who need help with food.

If you have time for more unpopular ways to make money from your blog without ads, continue with these 15 unpopular ways to make money with blogging, even with a new blog.

In conclusion, It’s important that you believe that wherever you are as a blogger, you deserve to earn an income from the work you put in. None of the blog monetization methods in the post or around the internet will get you rich quick, but consistency brings great rewards.

Chioma Gabriel is a Blog Monetization Educator and Pinterest Marketing Strategist. In the tough areas where new and even pro bloggers have a hard time understanding SEO and monetizing their blogs, she introduces Pinterest marketing to ease the wait and help bloggers scale to quality traffic. She created a resource to educate bloggers and businesses to make money from their blog in real time., a free crash-course to make sense of blog monetization. You can find her resources and updates on daretoblogclub.com

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