Podcast 4 – Business Planning for Bloggers with Marnie Craycroft
IE004: Business Planning for Bloggers with Marnie Craycroft Are you looking to take your business to the next level? We’re talking about the importance of business planning for bloggers because your blog is your business and you need to treat it that...
Podcast 3: Why You Need a WP Site for your Mompreneur Business
IE003: Why You Need a WP Site for Your Mompreneur Site Are you a business owner looking to take it to the next level? We’re sharing why you need a wp site for your mompreneur business. Melissa Llado of Serendipity & Spice and MelissaLlado.com is sharing her...
Podcast 2 – Sequence to Launch with Becky Mansfield
IE002: Sequence to Launch with Becky Mansfield Do you have a product that you’re looking to market? Becky Mansfield is sharing her tactics for successful product launches. Becky has multiple products from ebooks to video training to e-courses. She’s...