IE 85: How to Become an Instagram Influencer
Everyone wants to be an Instagram Influencer, but do you have what it takes? Do you know the role you need to take with your audience as Instagram Influencer? I’m breaking down how to become an Instagram Influencer with actionable steps to take. IE 85: How to...
IE 84: Reality Check for Instagram Influencers
Before we start talking about the reality check that many of us need when it comes to being Instagram Influencers and page views (there’s a hint!), I want to be sure to let you know that I am going to be doing a new session of my FREE training, Pitch Perfect Live in...
IE 83: How to Monetize Instagram Stories
Once I cracked the code on how to monetize Instagram stories my opinion of Instagram shifted greatly. I no longer cared about driving traffic as long as people were watching my Instagram Stories then I could monetize it. IE 83: How to Monetize Instagram Stories as a...
IE 82: How to Find a Business Coach
One of the things that I wished I hadn’t dragged my feet on was finding a business coach that was right for me. I just didn’t know where to begin and I don’t want this for you so today we’re diving into how to find a business coach that is...