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Benefits of Pitching Brands Directly

Benefits of Pitching Brands Directly

Wondering how it was possible that I made over 10k in sponsored income per month on my lifestyle site, The Melrose Family?  I didn’t have hundreds of thousands of pageviews or followers on social media and my email size is average at best.  I was able to make...
Why Pinterest as a Business Owner

Why Pinterest as a Business Owner

Are you a small business looking to get more eyes on your products or services?  Frustrated with always having to pay to play on Facebook?  Pinterest is a game changer for business owners and here’s why. Why Pinterest is Necessary as a Business Owner By now...
How my first e-Course Launch did over 25k

How my first e-Course Launch did over 25k

If this is your first time here you’re probably wondering who I am and if I’m about to blow smoke up your you-know-what.  This site, JennyMelrose.com was launched September 1st, but I have been blogging for almost six years over at the lifestyle site The...
5 Ways to Stand Out to Brands

5 Ways to Stand Out to Brands

Are you a blogger looking to working with brands to make an income?  Not sure how to stand out?  Feel like you’re screaming in a crowded noisy room and not being heard?  Standing out can be difficult, but there are tried and true ways to do it.  My 10 Day Pitch...
Tailwind Tutorial to Increase Traffic

Tailwind Tutorial to Increase Traffic

Are you trying to decide between Tailwind and BoardBooster?  Or are you just looking to drive traffic to your site?  Either way, I’m going to show you how with this Tailwind tutorial you can grow your Pinterest traffic.  Be sure to join in the free 5 Day...

Tired of chasing all the shiny objects without knowing which one will move the needle on your business?!?

Wishing you had a plan in place for where to focus your efforts? Ready to feel more focused and less overwhelmed? Grab the Mastering Overwhelm Guide today!