? Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast with Jenny Melrose

The Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast

Check your doubts at the door because this is YOUR time. The time to smash your biggest challenges, crush your income goals and transform your business into the unstoppable force it’s meant to be. Jenny helps you get there faster with expert training that maximizes your growth potential using proven success strategies. Whether it’s how to attract your dream sponsor, create a business plan or make your live broadcast go viral, you’ll find it tackled by the Influencer Entrepreneur Podcast.   


IE 112: How to Use IG Stories to Create a Product

IE 112: How to Use IG Stories to Create a Product

IG stories are all the rage right now.  You get to authentically share yourself with your audience while building a relationship with them.  You can even use IG stories to help you create a product that your audience wants and needs! IE 112: How to Use IG Stories to...

IE 111: How to Become an Influencer

IE 111: How to Become an Influencer

Now, before we jump into how to become an influencer, let’s first determine what it’s not. Becoming an influencer doesn’t mean setting up some social media accounts and posting to them every day. It doesn’t mean doing anything you can to grow your following on those...

IE 110: Why a Live Event?

IE 110: Why a Live Event?

Attending a live event can cost you time and money, but the advantages to a live event far out weight the cost.  Today I'm diving into a why a live event is for you if you're looking to scale your business. IE 110: Why a Live Event as a Blogger or Influencer? Building...

IE 108: How to Find Your Zone of Genius

IE 108: How to Find Your Zone of Genius

Do you have shiny object syndrome?  You get excited about a new idea, but end up losing steam on an old idea and seem to never make any progress?  Once you find your zone of genius there is nothing that will be able to distract you.  Your focus in your zone of genius...

IE 107: How to Build an Email List

IE 107: How to Build an Email List

One of the biggest struggles I hear from my clients is that they don’t get email list building. They don’t know how to build their list and they need resources and options to understand it better. I am excited to have Jenn Slavich on the podcast today. Jenn blogs over...


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Tired of being asked to create content for free... or better yet, a bag of granola?

Want to give them a piece of your mind? Or hit the delete button? You could...OR, you could steal the emails I use to flip those low-ball product offers into four-figure campaigns!