? 7 Essential Email Marketing Statistics Every Blogger Should Monitor

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When it comes to email marketing statistics, there are several key questions that matter to bloggers. These questions can help you understand the effectiveness of your email marketing and make informed decisions to improve your strategies.

IE 356: 7 Essential Email Marketing Statistics Every Blogger Should Monitor

7 Essential Email Marketing Statistics Every Blogger Should Monitor

Open Rate

So the first essential email marketing statistic that we’re going to focus on is your open rate.

We want to look at average open rate for your email campaigns, or your broadcasts.

Every email software has a different way of calling these emails, but whether you’re using ConvertKit, Flodesk, MailerLite, or MailChimp, you’re looking to see what the open rate is when you send an email to your entire list.

Then based on the open rate, how does that open rate actually change based on the subject line and potentially the time at which you are sending your emails.

Sometimes that can make a difference, especially if you’re a food blogger.

Food bloggers often will find that their open rates will increase over the weekends.

Whereas, as someone that works B2B, I’m sending emails to bloggers about business strategies, I find that during the work week, Monday through Friday, my emails actually have a higher open rate.

A way in which you can actually improve your email open rate is to make sure that you’re doing a resend.

For example, I recommend that if you are sending emails, Monday, Wednesday,  and Friday, then send a resend of those same emails the following week on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday, depending upon what works best for your schedule.

When you do that resend, you are making sure that you change the subject line in the software that you are using.

For example, I use ConvertKit, which allows you to only send a resend to people that have not opened the original email.

This way you can increase your open rate and sometimes the change of the subject line is what will impact it so that the open rate increases.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The next essential piece of email statistics is your click-through rate.

You are looking to see what the average click through rate is for the links within your email.

I recommend that you have one link to one item that you are sending them to and then analyze what are the highest types of content that have a high click-through rate, because then you can have a better idea of what types of products, services and content your audience is looking for.

You also want to analyze the specific call to action buttons that perform better than others.

Whether you’re putting a link as a PS or it is an actual actual button that is saying, “click to read more”.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the next email marketing statistic that matter.

Conversion rate determines how many people that are receiving your emails are actually taking the action that you are looking for them to take when they are clicking on your emails.

And what type of content is it again, that people are actually clicking through on.

Bounce Rate

The fourth important email statistic is your bounce rate.

What percentage of your emails are bouncing and where are those emails coming from?

Are you noticing that many of those emails coming from those particular strategies potentially have a higher bounce rate?

Keeping an eye on that and seeing what is effective for you is going to be key.

In other words, are you participating in a bundle giveaway and many of those email sign ups end up bouncing.


The first question I want to ask you when it comes to unsubscribes is why would you pay for them to sit on your list?

As you continue to grow your list and sell items, you want people to buy.

If they are sitting on your list not taking any action, they care costing you money.

So don’t look at the unsubscribes as a bad thing.  You are getting rid of people that will never take action or buy from you anyway.

Do pay attention to subject lines that are forcing your list to want to unsubscribe.

What topics are causing your list to unsubscribe and if it is not related to your overall brand or messaging then stop using them.

List Growth

Another important email statistic is your list growth.

How quickly are your email subscribers increasing, and where are those email subscribers coming from?

One of the ways in which you can grow your list is to have blogger collaboration through a summit, a bundle giveaway or a list swap.

Are you seeing that you’re doing strategies like a list swap with someone else that has a list where they’re promoting your opt-in and you are promoting theirs?

Or are you finding that summits work really well as a potential strategy?

You need to take a look at what it is that you’re doing to improve your list growth.

You also could potentially look at your pop-up buttons.

Are specific pop-up buttons working better than others?

Are there specific opt-ins that are working better than others?

Getting a better idea of where your people are actually coming from is going to be key in understanding your list growth and you really want get a good idea if you are effectively converting your people that are coming to your blog into email subscribers.

You are creating content that’s keyword researched that answers specific questions, and you want to make sure that you have an opt-in that fits into the blog post that you are creating that are then also in line with the product that you are going to sell them.


The last element that you need to take a look at is your R.O.I.

What is your return on investment of your email efforts?

If you have a list of 10,000 subscribers and you are solely monetizing your site via pageviews, is it going to equate to the pageviews that you need in order to be able to afford and pay and see the ROI on that list of 10,000?

It really depends again upon your open rate and your click-through rate.

That is why you take a look at all these statistics in order to determine what is happening with the ROI that you are spending on your email subscribers.

You also want to analyze what happens when you run a sales campaign, like a flash sale or something like that through your email marketing.

Are you seeing specific revenue coming from that?

Can you also attribute that to your email marketing efforts?

All of these seven statistics of your email list are going to be important to understand your email stats and be able to take your business to the next level with your email marketing campaigns.

So, go through and take a look at these seven and make sure that you’re starting to analyze the email stats that you are offered within your software.

Don’t simply send emails and never go and look at those stats.


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