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Build a blog the right way from the start with our Blog Like a Pro Planner!

How to Create a Virtual Summit

How to Create a Virtual Summit

A virtual summit is an amazing way to grow your email list no matter what industry you are in so Krista is showing us exactly how to create one. IE 187: How to Create a Virtual Summit with Krista Miller The COVID-19 pandemic has put a complete damper on any type of...
Marketing an Online Store

Marketing an Online Store

We often talk about influencers on the podcast but today I want to talk about marketing an online store for those of you that have physical products and consider yourself a creative. IE 185: Marketing an Online Store with Justine Wiggins of Worthy and Badass I talk a...
How to Improve Time Management

How to Improve Time Management

As a business coach, I can tell you without reservation that the #1 struggle female entrepreneurs have is time management. Most of us are busy moms, wives, and business owners and we flounder around all too often, trying to figure out a way to wear all the hats and...
How to Design Your Dream Life

How to Design Your Dream Life

Have you designed your dream life?  Many of you probably hesitated to answer that which is why today we’re diving into how to design your dream life. IE 182: How to Design Your Dream Life with Denise Walsh Maybe you went to college and got a degree expecting to...
Using Your Voice for Purposeful Work

Using Your Voice for Purposeful Work

Are you the mother of a middle-school or high-school girl? Or perhaps you have a niece or a daughter of a friend in that age group? If so, listen in today as my guest shares her vision for using your voice for purposeful work by giving these young ladies a hand up as...

Tired of chasing all the shiny objects without knowing which one will move the needle on your business?!?

Wishing you had a plan in place for where to focus your efforts? Ready to feel more focused and less overwhelmed? Grab the Mastering Overwhelm Guide today!