? small business Archives - Page 4 of 13 - Jenny Melrose

Ready to Blog Like a Pro?!

Build a blog the right way from the start with our Blog Like a Pro Planner!

Marketing Automation for Small Businesses

Marketing Automation for Small Businesses

Learn how to effectively reduce your workload using marketing automation tools and techniques. IE 393: How to Reduce Your Workload with Marketing Automation for Small Businesses Lindsey is from Charlotte, NC. She is a wife and a mom of two little girls. She has a...
Work Life Balance for Entrepreneurs

Work Life Balance for Entrepreneurs

Discover essential strategies for entrepreneurs to strike the perfect balance between work and life. IE 387: Achieving Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs with Meg Robertson Meg Robertson has been operating as a business, executive, and life coach since 2016. She had...
What is a Sales Funnel and How Does It Work

What is a Sales Funnel and How Does It Work

Discover the journey from lead to customer. Learn what a sales funnel is and how it works to successfully sell to your audience. IE 366: What is a Sales Funnel and How Does It Work What is a sales funnel? All a sales funnel is, is giving people an opportunity to come...
Tips for Success for Mompreneurs

Tips for Success for Mompreneurs

Finding the balance between motherhood and business ownership can be a challenge. We have a few tips for success for Mompreneurs. IE 355: Tips for Success for Mompreneurs with Cousett Hoover Couseett Hoover loves helping mompreneurs. After having a newborn and leaving...
Key Elements to Make a Blogger Legal

Key Elements to Make a Blogger Legal

Key elements to make a blogger legal include everything from contracts, copyright, LLCs, trademarks, and more. Learn how to protect yourself and keep from getting sued. IE 347: Key Elements to Make a Blogger Legal with Amira Irfan Amira Irfan is a business lawyer,...
Effective Speaking Skills

Effective Speaking Skills

We are talking about effective speaking skills as a podcast guest, video content creator or public speaking presentation with Katie Kimball. IE 337: Effective Speaking Skills as a Podcast Guest, Video Content Creator or Public Speaking Presentation with Katie Kimball...

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