Discovering Your Purpose
Discovering your purpose as a business owner can lead to a passion that inspires you, but also your audience. Today I’m diving into how to find that purpose and providing you with specific examples of how other business owners are using their purpose to inspire...
What is a Lead Magnet?
As an influencer or service provider have you wondered, “What is a lead magnet that will attract my ideal audience?” If so, today we’re taking a deep dive into it. IE 136: What is a Lead Magnet for Influencers and Service Providers? I know that most...
How to Become a Travel Influencer
In order to become a travel influencer you need to know the strategic steps on how to become a travel influencer so that destinations want to work with you. IE 135: How to Become a Travel Influencer as a Blogger or Micro Influencer Today we are going to be talking...
Marketing Your Business
An on air coaching call with Nicole Saunders of Saunders Say and Leisure & Leashes that dives deep into marketing your business as an influencer, blogger or podcaster. IE 134: Marketing Your Business: On Air Coaching Call with Nicole Saunders of Saunders Says and...