? 300th Episode: A Look Back

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We are celebrating the 300th episode of the podcast by reflecting on all that we have learned over the past five and half years.

IE 300: 300th Episode: A Look Back

300th Episode of The Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast

That’s right, the 300th episode!

And for me, it’s not about the length of time. 

It’s about the number of consecutive times that this podcast has come out. 

Consistency in Podcasting

The very first episode was published January 1st, 2017 and it is currently August 15th, 2022. 

So you can see it is five and a half years of having a podcast and making sure that an episode comes out every single week.

And for the months of April and May we were publishing two episodes a month.

Over the summer we took a step back because I realized that in order to maintain my own mental health, as well as my families it was important for me to spend time with my family without stressing about trying to get out so many episodes.

This was also the reason we spent the month of July talking about a social media detox and its benefits.

In the very first episode, called the power of purpose, I talked a little bit about my journey and my story about how I started off as a lifestyle blogger over on The Melrose Family where I created quick and easy recipes and projects for busy parents while I was a full-time inner city school district teacher with a newborn.

Growth over Time

I talked about how over time I saw myself grow.  

Not only as a mother and a business owner, but I saw my family grow as well. 

We went from having a six month old newborn to having another baby three and a half years later that was a total surprise and has made this family very much complete.

She has made me a stronger woman because that child is a little bit more strong willed for those that know my girls, you know, that Avery is definitely my strong willed daughter. 

And she has put on this earth to make sure that I am the best mom possible to two girls that are totally different. 

Family Backing when Podcasting

And when I’m talking about this 300th episode, I think that’s important for me to bring up my girls because my power of purpose for starting the podcast was really to make sure that the little girls in all of your lives got to see you all running successful businesses. 

I am so thankful and so grateful of course, for all of my listeners, but also for my family that has watched me over time develop and have my own doubts with what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.

To my daughters who have to explain what it is that their mother does, which can be very confusing for a 12 and a half year old that has to say, “oh, my mom does social media. Yeah, no, I’m not allowed to be on social media.”

Very confusing.

And of course my partner, my husband, that I talk about is always so important for all of us as women, business owners, to have that support system in our life, whether it is your partner, your husband, your wife, or it may be a best friend. 

I am just so appreciative of the support that I have had. 

Most Amazing Listeners

And of course, I am also thankful for all of you.

You all have shared so much with me, whether you have invested in Pitch Perfect Pro or you’ve worked with me coaching one on one, or you’ve gone into one of my masterminds. 

Many of you have not only shared your businesses with me, but you’ve shared your lives and the struggles that you have, which can be very difficult to share sometimes. 

So I appreciate all of you that have been with me, whether you have been listening since the very beginning in 2017, or you found me a month or two ago, and just started listening, go back and listen to that power of purpose episode, because I want you to find your power of purpose.

And as you continue to grow and have questions I want you to reach out to me on Instagram.

A lot of times when I create content it’s because it’s routinely coming up inside my membership site, Mastering Your Influence.

Or in one of my high level masterminds where people are really struggling with particular aspects of their business like how do I create that tripwire

What does it look like to build upon that and create an evergreen funnel

These words that we continually hear in our industry, but we don’t know the specifics of how to implement that.

And if you are looking for something that’s going to continue to move your business forward then let’s get you into one of my upcoming masterminds that will give you the accountability and answers you’re looking for.

One of the things that I routinely hear from mastermind and coaching clients is “I’m trying to do all the things. I hear. And I don’t know what I should put my effort into first.”

That’s what mastermind coaching is for, for me to be able to help guide you on determining what is the biggest factor in your business to continue to move you forward.

That is the reason that you often hear very specific topics on this podcast. 

It’s because they are routinely coming up inside my mastermind programs and when I know they’re coming up with my mastermind programs, I know they’re coming up in your businesses as well. 

When we are looking back over the 300 episodes that I have done, I also want to make sure that I shout out to all of the amazing guests that I have had on the show. 

There have been so many that it is difficult to name people specifically.  

Instead, I just want my guests to know that I appreciate you taking the time to do the interviews, to help promote, to really have those deep conversations with me about your business and helping my people move forward.

I can’t wait to see where the next 300 episodes bring us!

Action Steps:

Tired of being asked to create content for free... or better yet, a bag of granola?

Want to give them a piece of your mind? Or hit the delete button? You could...OR, you could steal the emails I use to flip those low-ball product offers into four-figure campaigns!