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Podcast 10: Affiliate Monetization via Pinterest

Podcast 10: Affiliate Monetization via Pinterest

Affiliate Monetization via Pinterest with Addi Ganley   Have you monetized via affiliate marketing yet?  Affiliate marketing is something that I struggled with for the longest time until I took Addi Ganley’s free email course, Affiliate Blueprint.  She is...
IE 9: Pinterest Strategy for Traffic & List Growth

IE 9: Pinterest Strategy for Traffic & List Growth

Are you ready to take your traffic and list growth to the next level? Kate Ahl of Simple Pin Media is talking about what your Pinterest strategy should look like in order to grow your list and traffic. IE 9: Pinterest Strategy for Traffic & List Growth with Kate...
Why Pinterest as a Business Owner

Why Pinterest as a Business Owner

Are you a small business looking to get more eyes on your products or services?  Frustrated with always having to pay to play on Facebook?  Pinterest is a game changer for business owners and here’s why. Why Pinterest is Necessary as a Business Owner By now...
Tailwind Tutorial to Increase Traffic

Tailwind Tutorial to Increase Traffic

Are you trying to decide between Tailwind and BoardBooster?  Or are you just looking to drive traffic to your site?  Either way, I’m going to show you how with this Tailwind tutorial you can grow your Pinterest traffic.  Be sure to join in the free 5 Day...

Tired of chasing all the shiny objects without knowing which one will move the needle on your business?!?

Wishing you had a plan in place for where to focus your efforts? Ready to feel more focused and less overwhelmed? Grab the Mastering Overwhelm Guide today!