? Tailwind Tutorial to Increase Traffic and Engagement

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Are you trying to decide between Tailwind and BoardBooster?  Or are you just looking to drive traffic to your site?  Either way, I’m going to show you how with this Tailwind tutorial you can grow your Pinterest traffic.  Be sure to join in the free 5 Day Pinterest Booster Challenge too!  It’s free and delivered right to your inbox.

Tailwind Tutorial to Increase Traffic

Are you looking to increase your traffic and deciding between Tailwind or BoardBooster? This Tailwind Tutorial will walk you through two key features.

You’ll see in the video below that I have been using and paying for both Tailwind and BoardBooster for a little over a year now.  I was originally with Tailwind and continued using it even when I made the switch to BoardBooster.  I loved that Tailwind made it easy for me to schedule other bloggers content.  I was also a huge fan of the fact that they are a part of the Pinterest Market Developer Program.  Unfortunately, if you know me well, you also know that I am always looking to learn the newest tool out there for bloggers.  Whether it’s social media or a tool to make social media easier I jump all over it.

The other issue is that I don’t like change.  I’m extremely loyal and I’m willing to stick it out with you until the end.  Which is how I ended up with BoardBooster and Tailwind at the same time.

Tailwind Tutorial to Increase Traffic

Boards Lists

While I was preparing for my webinar with Tailwind, I noticed something called “Your Board Lists”.  I also noticed that it was completely empty.  During the webinar the Tailwind representative showed how “Your Board Lists” creates a list of boards that you can add a pin to automatically and then use the interval setting to put the pin out on different days to the different boards.  This was the functionality that I was using in BoardBooster.  Except BoardBooster had me pinning it to a secret board, which then repinned from that secret board to the other boards that I had added.  The secret board always made me wary.  Now there isn’t a need to use it!


Tribes are definitely one of my favorite things ever!  I am a huge believer in working with other bloggers.  I believe that networking is a necessary skill to work with brands as well as increase your traffic.  If you’re interested in learning more about brands be sure to join my 10 Day Pitch Perfect Challenge.  It walks you through who to reach out to and what to say.   The assumption in the blogging community is that in order to work with brands you need to boost traffic.  This is a myth.  It definitely gives a bit more leverage, but not necessary.  Tribes will help you boost your traffic though because it will give you relevant, quality content to pin.  Plus, other bloggers will be sharing your content so it’s a win for everyone.  The tribes feature is in beta right now, but you can get an invite from a Tailwind user that has the feature.  Like me for example!  You can join our tribe Influencer Entrepreneurs tribe by joining our community today.

Check out the video below for the full Tailwind tutorial on how to apply these two features.  If you’re not a Tailwind user and you’re interested in joining, find out more here.

Don’t forget to join in the free 5 Day Pinterest Booster Challenge today so that you can increase your traffic with minimal work.

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