? Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast with Jenny Melrose

The Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast

Check your doubts at the door because this is YOUR time. The time to smash your biggest challenges, crush your income goals and transform your business into the unstoppable force it’s meant to be. Jenny helps you get there faster with expert training that maximizes your growth potential using proven success strategies. Whether it’s how to attract your dream sponsor, create a business plan or make your live broadcast go viral, you’ll find it tackled by the Influencer Entrepreneur Podcast.   


How to Know Your Worth

How to Know Your Worth

Are you wondering how to determine your worth?  Letitia Frye is sharing how to know your worth so that you can continue to improve your business. IE 166: How to Know Your Worth with Letitia Frye This may contain affiliate links where I earn compensation for things...

How to Have Organic Instagram Growth

How to Have Organic Instagram Growth

We all want Instagram growth, but the best kind of growth for your business is organic Instagram growth and today we're diving into how to get it with someone that has done it and continues to do it. IE 164: How to Have Organic Instagram Growth with Erica Fraser of...

How to Create an Online Course

How to Create an Online Course

Creating an online course of your expertise in your niche is a key way in which you can diversify your income online as an entrepreneur. IE 163: How to Create an Online Course with Len Markidan of Podia This article contains affiliate links to Podia where I earn a...

The Importance of a Business Mission Statement

The Importance of a Business Mission Statement

When starting an online business, it is crucial to have a mission statement; that thing that states who you are and what you’re about. If you don’t have a written mission statement for your business, listen in as my guest shares how she created her own and how you...

How to Increase Productivity

How to Increase Productivity

As we move deeper into 2020, are you feeling less than productive? What’s happened to those resolutions or goals you set back in January? Are you ready to learn how to increase productivity to help you move your business forward?  If any of this speaks to you, if you...


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Tired of being asked to create content for free... or better yet, a bag of granola?

Want to give them a piece of your mind? Or hit the delete button? You could...OR, you could steal the emails I use to flip those low-ball product offers into four-figure campaigns!