? How to Build Confidence in Yourself Through Discomfort with Tiberia Morris

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Do you ever wonder how to build confidence in yourself? Do you find yourself not going after things because you don’t think you are capable? 

In today’s episode, we talk about how being uncomfortable is the best way to build confidence. Tiberia Morris shares how she uses positive self-talk daily, and how important it is to have a support system. 

IE 216: How to Build Confidence in Yourself Through Discomfort with Tiberia Morris

How Build Confidence in Yourself Through Discomfort with Tiberia Morris

Tiberia is a Georgia native, and the founder and CEO of EmergHER. She is a speaker, life coach, and a self-published author. 

Growing In Confidence 

The goal of EmergHER is to teach women to build their confidence from the inside out. Tiberia wants women to transform how they see themselves without ever compromising who they are. 

Confidence is something that you are learning as you grow. From birth to adulthood, you are making decisions that build your confidence. 

Having someone to help you and coach you through this process is just as helpful as an adult as your parents were to you when you were a child just learning to walk. 

Creating Affirmations for Yourself 

In order to gain confidence, you have to be willing to first admit that it is something you are lacking. You have to get to the root of what is causing this lack of confidence in order to actually heal it. 

If you know yourself and take care of yourself, you will be creating confidence within yourself. 

Creating affirmations for yourself will keep you balanced. You have to actively practice positive self-talk before you can expect anyone else to affirm you. 

Tiberia writes affirmations for herself and posts them on her bathroom mirror. She reads them aloud to herself every day. They are written on gold stars and say “I am love,” or “I am worthy,” or “I am organized,” etc. 

She tells herself that she already is the things she wants to become. 

Opening the World of Confidence 

A lot of times women feel limited because of the confidence that they lack in themselves. In the workplace, women won’t go after a job that they are afraid they aren’t qualified for. 

Mothers always put themselves last, giving first to their babies and spouses, but they still doubt everything they do and feel guilt all the time. 

If you are not confident in yourself, you will always doubt every decision you make. When you shift your mindset and focus on who you are and why you were created that way, it will open up a new world of confidence. 

We allow the things that we see to taint our view of ourselves, even though we are much greater than the image we have reduced ourselves to. 

Becoming a Confident Seller 

As you become confident in yourself, you will become more confident in your business.

Confident sellers will always get the sale when they are targeting their ideal person. You need to know that what you are providing for your client really works. 

Showing up and providing your knowledge is necessary. And that takes confidence, not just in what you are selling but in who you are. Your product or service is a gift, so don’t shy away from your numbers. 

Refuse to Get Comfortable 

The key to building confidence is refusing to get comfortable. Being uncomfortable creates resilience, balance, and confidence. 

When you get comfortable, you are not growing. If you’re not growing, you are not being effective in what you are called to do. 

You need to learn to be confident in your discomfort. Learn new ways of pushing yourself in areas that make you uncomfortable. 

Be Like An Oyster

You need a support system that will guide you through the paths that are rocky and bumpy. Just like a parent who holds a child’s hand while they’re trying to learn to walk, have people who can help you as you are learning. 

Oysters have to be agitated in order to create pearls. Be like an oyster. 

Acknowledge the area that you lack confidence in and seek out someone who can help you as you grow towards becoming a more confident you. 
If you would like to connect with Tiberia you can find her on Instagram, Facebook, or on Clubhouse. Tiberia has an EmergHer 90-Day Guided Journal that will help you grow in your confidence journey.

Action Steps:

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