? Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast with Jenny Melrose

The Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast

Check your doubts at the door because this is YOUR time. The time to smash your biggest challenges, crush your income goals and transform your business into the unstoppable force it’s meant to be. Jenny helps you get there faster with expert training that maximizes your growth potential using proven success strategies. Whether it’s how to attract your dream sponsor, create a business plan or make your live broadcast go viral, you’ll find it tackled by the Influencer Entrepreneur Podcast.   


Hyper Local Marketing on Instagram

Hyper Local Marketing on Instagram

Are you wanting to really narrow down your marketing on Instagram to a local audience? In today’s episode, we are talking about hyper local marketing on Instagram with Carmen Kaethler of Macaroni Kid.  IE 223: Hyper Local Marketing on Instagram with Carmen Kaethler...

Instagram Features

Instagram Features

We all know that Instagram is one of the best places to grow a community and build a brand or business but it can be confusing to know how to leverage all of the Instagram features to grow your community.  IE 222: How to Leverage Instagram Features to Grow a Community...

Money Myths

Money Myths

In today’s episode, Renee Cohen is going to be talking about the 3 top money myths that she sees female entrepreneurs deal with, how to overcome them, and the best ways to move forward to become the visionary of your own life. IE 221: Top Money Myths & How to...

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming Overwhelm

This week on the podcast, we are diving into how to overcome overwhelm. Overwhelm is something that so many of us are battling as we come out of 2020 and into 2021, not only as business owners but as mothers and wives.  We are all taking on more than we ever have had...

Brand Identity

Brand Identity

As an online business owner, defining your brand identity is one of the most important factors in growing your audience and your business. Many of us have thought about our branding but we haven’t gone deep enough in defining exactly what our brand identity is.  IE...

Automation Marketing

Automation Marketing

Today we are talking about marketing automation and how to make it simple by using quizzes.  People hear about automation and automatically think that it’s going to be too hard for them. It sounds complex and confusing but is necessary for most of us in order to run...


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Tired of chasing all the shiny objects without knowing which one will move the needle on your business?!?

Wishing you had a plan in place for where to focus your efforts? Ready to feel more focused and less overwhelmed? Grab the Mastering Overwhelm Guide today!