? How to Administer a Content Marketing Audit of Your Business

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Identifying key factors that are impacting your content strategy allows you to conduct a content marketing audit on your own content.

IE 298: How to Administer a Content Marketing Audit of Your Business

How to Administer a Content Marketing Audit of Your Business

In episode 275, Content Plan Vs Conten Strategy, we talked with Amanda Warfield about the difference between the two and which one you should put in place to benefit your business the most.

Today we’re going to walk through the key indicators that you can use to conduct a content marketing audit of your business.

Branding Strategy

If you have read my book Influencer Entrepreneurs: The 4 Step Process to Building Your Audience, Growing your Business and Making Money Online, you know that I believe positioning is very important when it comes to your branding. 

Who are you? Who do you want your people to know you as? What are you creating content about for them?  

The place in which you are going to take a look at your branding strategy is going to be your about section on your website.

You really want to make sure that it’s clear who you are creating content for and what that content is about. 

You want to tell a story.

You don’t want your about section to be solely about you. 

I know that sounds odd for a lot of people. 

It’s important to remember that all they care about is how your positioning, your background is going to help them solve their problem.

You want to show them how you’re going to be the person that’s going to guide them on their journey to solving their problem for them and the way in which you do this is to talk about what you have done that has gotten you to the point of solving that problem.

Whether it’s solving it for yourself or solving it for other clients.

You want to bring them on that story and show them that you want to take them there as well.

Email Marketing Strategy

Do you have an opt-in that you can offer in exchange for their email address and is the content that you’re creating in line with the opt-in that you are offering?

You want to look at the content that you create and see if you have a product or service that solves their problem.

You’ll then use nurture emails to gain their trust and promotional emails to show them how your product is the perfect fit to fix their problem.

You want them to know what the problem is that you solve and how you solve it.  

And your optin should be the beginning stages.

Website Content Strategy

Are you doing keyword research?

Are you keeping in mind SEO? 

Is there interlinking and is the content that you’re creating on your website what people are going to Google and searching for?

Can I go to your website and find and see how it’s almost like a spider’s web where everything is connected?

And it just helps me further understand the problem that I have and how I can solve it using your content. 

You want to show them how you’re the expert and that you are going to answer any of the questions they potentially have about it. 

Social Media Content Strategy

Is it all interconnected? 

Am I creating content that is consistent across platforms with my website, as well as with my social media?

I often get push back from clients telling me that they have a separate audience on Instagram than they have on their website.

That sometimes does happen but more often than not it happens because there isn’t a connected content marketing and social media strategy. 

The real purpose of a content marketing audit is so that you continue to be focused and know what content to actually put out so that you can move forward with a content plan. 

That plan is then going to lay everything out for you so that you can implement it with a strategy.

Action Steps:

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