? small business Archives - Page 11 of 12 - Jenny Melrose

Ready to Blog Like a Pro?!

Build a blog the right way from the start with our Blog Like a Pro Planner!

How to Market Your Business

How to Market Your Business

If you have a product or service idea you need to know how to market your business so that it attracts your ideal audience. IE 159: How to Market Your Business with McKenzie Cunningham, Founder of SurSHE McKenzie Cunningham is the founder of SurSHE, which is a...
What is the Importance of a Women’s Collective

What is the Importance of a Women’s Collective

A women’s collective provides an opportunity for like minded women to come together to share ideas and fears that are often related to their small businesses. IE 157: What is the Importance of a Women’s Collective with Sarah Benken, Founder of Know Book...
Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles

Are you facing challenges in your life or business that have got you down or discouraged? Do you wonder how you can overcome obstacles you are facing to meet the goals you set for yourself?  If you need to be encouraged that overcoming obstacles is something you can...
Great Conversation Starters for Conferences

Great Conversation Starters for Conferences

Attending a conference for an introvert can be extremely overwhelming, but if you go in with great conversation starters it makes it much easier. IE 147: Great Conversation Starters for Conferences with Andy Storch I first met today’s guest over a year ago at Podcast...
Networking Tips for Introverts

Networking Tips for Introverts

In this episode, we’re going to cover networking tips for introverts. I can give these tips because I am an introvert, which might be surprising to some of you.  I was recently discussing my business with my mom and mentioned that I was an introvert. She laughed and...
Financial Planning Steps

Financial Planning Steps

Have you started taking financial planning steps for your small business?  Start taking care of your financial future with financial planning steps necessary for a small business owner to have a successful financial future. IE 144: Financial Planning Steps with Anna...

Tired of chasing all the shiny objects without knowing which one will move the needle on your business?!?

Wishing you had a plan in place for where to focus your efforts? Ready to feel more focused and less overwhelmed? Grab the Mastering Overwhelm Guide today!