IE 76: Facebook Sponsored Posts Guide
Today, I want to talk a little about Facebook sponsored posts and how you can use live video to take them to the next level. In the last episode of the podcast, I talked all about Instagram sponsored posts and addressed some common questions that come up about those....
IE 75: Instagram Sponsored Posts that will Make You Stand Out
If you have a blog or any kind of online business, you know that Instagram is the hottest new kid on the block. Everybody is using it and now there is an opportunity for you to create Instagram Sponsored Posts. Today I want to give you some ideas and pointers on how...
IE 69: The Importance of Diversifying your Income as a Blogger
Are you trading time for money? Is your income dependent upon how much time you spend at your desk? You need to diversify your income so that if something changes in your life or in your business, you’re not a sinking ship. IE 69: The Importance of...
IE 42: How to Attract your Dream Sponsors & Get Paid What You’re Really Worth
Tired of working for peanuts on creating sponsored content? Want to work with the brands that you know, use and love? Today I’m sharing exactly how to attract your dream sponsors all while getting paid what you’re worth. IE 42: How to Attract Your Dream...