? Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast with Jenny Melrose

The Influencer Entrepreneurs Podcast

Check your doubts at the door because this is YOUR time. The time to smash your biggest challenges, crush your income goals and transform your business into the unstoppable force it’s meant to be. Jenny helps you get there faster with expert training that maximizes your growth potential using proven success strategies. Whether it’s how to attract your dream sponsor, create a business plan or make your live broadcast go viral, you’ll find it tackled by the Influencer Entrepreneur Podcast.   


How to Get Sales on Etsy

How to Get Sales on Etsy

We are going to talk about how to get sales on Etsy, how to do keyword research for your Etsy products, and how you decide on digital products for Etsy to make money. We also discuss some online tools to help you find the products to sell. IE 341: How to Get Sales on...

Blog Writing AI

Blog Writing AI

Learn how AI can enhance your blogging process, improve content quality, and find the right balance between automation and human creativity.  IE 340: Maximizing Your Blog Writing with AI I know that blog writing with AI is something...

3 Membership Site Examples Converted from a Course

3 Membership Site Examples Converted from a Course

Membership sites are a great way to diversify income so we're sharing 3 membership site examples that could work for you. IE 339: 3 Membership Site Examples Converted from a Course with Melody Johnson Melody Johnson is the owner and founder of The Course Consultant....

How to Monetize Your Blog

How to Monetize Your Blog

It is possible to have a successful blogging business, but you need to understand how to monetize your blog to meet your goals. IE 338: How to Monetize Your Blog in 2024 What are the different ways to monetize a blog? Most people...

Effective Speaking Skills

Effective Speaking Skills

We are talking about effective speaking skills as a podcast guest, video content creator or public speaking presentation with Katie Kimball. IE 337: Effective Speaking Skills as a Podcast Guest, Video Content Creator or Public Speaking Presentation with Katie Kimball...

Why Blogging is Important: Benefits of Blogging

Why Blogging is Important: Benefits of Blogging

Blogging provides a unique advantage to businesses that are looking to grow their online presence and reap the benefits of blogging. IE 334: Why Blogging is Important: 8 Benefits of Blogging Increased Visibility Better Conversions Builds a Community Grows an Email...


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Tired of being asked to create content for free... or better yet, a bag of granola?

Want to give them a piece of your mind? Or hit the delete button? You could...OR, you could steal the emails I use to flip those low-ball product offers into four-figure campaigns!