? Unlock Creating a Customer Journey Map for a Successful Funnel

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IE 396: Unlock Creating a Customer Journey Map for a Successful Funnel

Unlock Creating a Customer Journey Map for a Successful Funnel

What is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map is a way to record, plot and analyze the interactions that you have with a potential customer in order to create a successful sales funnel.

How to Create a Customer Journey Map

We talked about the stages of a customer journey as Know (awareness), Like (consideration), Trust (decision/customer) and Loyalty.

In order to get to these stages, we need to know the end game or product or service that we are trying to sell and work backwards.

It is very similar to creating a sales funnel because the customer journey takes them through that funnel so the customer journey map is the way in which you get them through the funnel within each stage.

Buyer Persona

It is important to know they buyer persona in order to create the customer journey map.

Some of you may have multiple buyer personas or avatars depending upon their stage of development within the problem that you solve.

it is important to identify the buyer personas so that creating the interactions with each persona is possible.

Identify Possible Interactions

In a previous episode we talked about how ways it interact can be your website, a podcast, YouTube, social media or Email.

These are all ways that your potential customers are going to interact with you.

Then once they actually purchase, they’re going to continue to interact, which is where we then get you to the loyalty factor.

Once you have identified those possible interactions that you have, you are going to then determine where those people fall within their buyer personas and then their journey with you.

Continued Engagement

You are also going to want to make sure that you think about continued engagement.

The reason for that is because all of those interactions provide potential for the engagement that you are going to need in order to get them to that actual engagement of being able to become that customer then be loyal to you and the products and services that you offer.

So the ways in which you continue to engage with them will be the interactions that you’ve already had, but you’re going to take them further along on their journey.

Customer Journey Map Examples

What I want to do is take a customer journey map and give you some examples, and I’m going to actually use an example from my business as well as from another client.

So for my business, I have multiple products and services that I offer.

Some people that will come to me are going to be people that do not have a blog yet.

Those people that are coming to me often are coming at a point where they don’t really understand a ton of things about blogging.

They don’t understand how to build their online presence.

That is one of my buyer personas.

Someone who already has a service based business and is now looking to grow their online presence.

I also have another buyer persona, someone who has been blogging for quite some time.

They are already making money via ads and is making a decent amount of money, but their not quite there yet.

They know that they need to diversify and step it up so they know that they need to create a product or service and they are building that product or service.

My third buyer persona is someone that is already creating products or services but isn’t necessarily reaching the next level because there’s foundational pieces within their business that they are missing.

Whether it’s the email marketing side of things or having an actual funnel. Therefore those are my three different buyer personas.

The way in which I interact with them and engage with them is going to be different.

I’m going to do a summit for those that are my service based businesses.

I’m going to be teaching strategies that are going to help them understand that a blog is one of the ways in which they can increase their exposure online.

I’m going to do a masterclass for those within my buyer persona that are making income from ads already, but need to diversify maybe into sponsorships or creating their own product or service.

Then I am going to continue to engage my email list with those that are already on my list who have products and services, but might be looking for more high touch, like a mastermind.

That is three of my buyer personas and the way in which I’m interacting with them based on the products or services that I offer.

Here’s another example of someone that has different buyer personas, in order for their buyer persona that is coming to them that is going to buy their signature course, they need to already have two years after grad school in order to buy that course.

They are used to being in a therapy room.

They’re looking for next steps of how to grow their therapy business and may want to become a supervisor, so that course is going to be offered to them as a buyer persona.

Now, because that person’s audience can sit on her list for almost two years, she also has a buyer persona that is someone that is straight out of grad school that is just getting their feet with therapy and creating their own potential therapy office, getting in as part of someone else that already has their therapy business established.

Though they have two years before they can become a supervisor, she offers a membership where you can get continued credits in order to maintain their certification with the state.

Two totally different buyer personas.

She also has a third that has already taken her course, but is looking now to not only continue to get the credits that she could potentially offer through her membership, but she also might be doing a group program with them where it’s higher touch, continuing to grow their business as a supervisor and what that might look like.

I want you to think about your own business.

What’s that customer journey look like?

When you go to map it, I want you to think about the products that you offer for the buyer persona.

Think about what are the interactions that you are going to continue to have for them.

How are you going to continually interact with them and get them to continue to engage with you so that you can move them along the stages of the customer journey from a Know, trust, to loyalty.

That is ideally what you are looking to do and your map is there to help you be able to analyze what is working and what is not, so that if you are creating an opt in meant for someone in the beginning stages.

But the conversion of it isn’t as high as you thought it would be, or isn’t really converting at all, you can identify what the issue may or may not be, so that you can continue to improve.

Now, this is obviously something where you were thinking about, you want to be able to create a visual representation of this.

I would recommend pick your buyer personas, then go through and talk, look at the places in which you are going to interact with them, and then where you’re going to continue to engage with them in order to get them to the product that is that within that funnel that is meant for them.

This way you have a visual representation of what you were attempting to do and can determine if you need to add in a masterclass, or maybe you need to add in a submit, or you need to find another way to have another high touch opportunity with that buyer persona to get them to your product or service.


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