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Growing an Email List

Growing an Email List

Today we are talking all about one of the most important pieces in building your business: growing an email list. Before we dive in, make sure you download the guide that goes right along with everything we will talk about in this episode.  IE 224: Growing an Email...
Automation Marketing

Automation Marketing

Today we are talking about marketing automation and how to make it simple by using quizzes.  People hear about automation and automatically think that it’s going to be too hard for them. It sounds complex and confusing but is necessary for most of us in order to run...
Launch a Product Online

Launch a Product Online

Today we’re going to dive into how to launch a product online. We will cover everything from confidence, to making sure you have the right audience, to setting up your onboarding sequence.  IE 211: How to Launch a Product Online If you’re not sure how to outline your...
Self Publishing a Cookbook

Self Publishing a Cookbook

Have you thought about self-publishing a cookbook? Self-publishing can feel so overwhelming with all the unknowns. It can be helpful to find someone who has done it before to help you know exactly what to do.  IE 208: 5 Steps for Self Publishing a Cookbook with Jason...
How to Sell to Your Email List

How to Sell to Your Email List

Are you afraid to sell to your email list? Are you worried about sounding money-hungry?  IE 208: How to Sell to Your Email List without Sounding Money Hungry with Kate Doster Kate Doster is on the podcast today with the best tips for making sure you are sending offers...
Marketing Personality

Marketing Personality

There are tons of personality tests on the internet, but no one ever talks about your marketing personality. We often do things that feel totally foreign to our actual personality when it comes to marketing just because we don’t know exactly what to do.  IE 207: How...

Tired of chasing all the shiny objects without knowing which one will move the needle on your business?!?

Wishing you had a plan in place for where to focus your efforts? Ready to feel more focused and less overwhelmed? Grab the Mastering Overwhelm Guide today!