? Attaction Marketing for Your Business with Krista Pullman

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Attracting an audience to your content begins with attraction marketing and the steps you need to take in order to do that.

IE 150: Attraction Marketing for Your Business with Krista Pullman

If you are trying to attract more customers to your business, you need to firmly establish yourself as an expert in your niche. 

Attracting potential customers requires you to share your story and knowledge in an authentic way which builds trust with your audience and keeps them coming back to you for more information and products. 

My guest today is an expert in attraction marketing and I am excited to have her share her knowledge with all of us.

Building an Online Business

Krista Pullman is a mom of 4 and is married to a police officer. 

Prior to her online business, Krista was a Crisis Intervention Manager for police services. Between her and her husband’s schedule and their four kids, their schedule was crazy. Through network marketing, she was able to leave her “traditional career” and go full-time online.

Krista was using BeachBody to get in shape from home after giving birth to her fourth baby. 

She didn’t even realize she was doing network marketing at the time. Once she started learning about the impact she could have, sharing about something she was super passionate about, she knew she wanted to make it into a real business. 

Attraction Marketing

Krista’s desire was to grow her business by being genuine and authentically sharing something she was passionate about. 

Her greatest pain point was that as she tried to grow and expand her reach, she noticed that a lot of the strategies taught in network marketing were just messaging someone randomly on Instagram to tell them they would be a great fit for an opportunity or product. 

It felt wrong to Krista. She couldn’t get in line with that. 

A lot of people are afraid of online marketing, but true attraction marketing is just sharing your story in a way where you are drawing people in and creating real relationships. 

When you have created those relationships and you know people’s pain points, you can offer a solution without it being awkward. 

The 3 Key Steps of Attraction Marketing

There are 3 key steps to attraction marketing –  

  •  Brand yourself. You are so much more than just the product. Understanding what makes you unique and who you are looking to attract is so important. Knowing who you are trying to attract and speaking directly to them allows you to instantly start building relationships. 
  • Lead with value. Inspiration doesn’t sell. Eventually, your story will begin to blend in with everyone else’s. Providing value to your dream customer is what will keep her on your page. Become a professional problem solver. 

Remember that trust is the currency of the online world. 

  • Create great content. Your content is where you can tie in your story to be more relatable. This allows you to provide value for your dream customer. 


A Real-Life Business Example of Attraction Marketing

Krista’s initial mindset when it came to network marketing was to just share why she got started in the first place. 

That eventually grew into her mantra of “helping busy moms get in shape from home in 30 minutes per day or less.” Those moms were exactly who she was speaking. 

Because she had a high-stress job and was dealing with trauma all the time, along with having a busy family, she was also speaking to women who struggled with anxiety. 

Since she knew that she was speaking to busy moms, she provided value for them by creating content such as, “3 workouts you can do in 5 minutes or less” or “a quick recipe for the after school rush that your kids will love.” 

Krista tied it all back in when she shared her content and said: “This is how these things helped me.” 

As soon as you start creating content directly for your dream audience, those people will want to be involved. They will be happy to consume your content and it will be much easier for them to say yes when you give them an offer to buy. 

Being Truly Authentic 

Authenticity has become a word that so many people throw around these days. But authenticity is the foundation of attraction marketing. 

Authenticity is stepping into who you are and into your own voice and that is what will set you apart. 

It takes confidence in yourself to fully step into who you are and what you stand for. Taking someone else’s’ words and reworking them feels easier and safer, but people can quickly realize when you’re not being true to yourself. 

Heads up – I will be spending all of next month discussing confidence in my membership group.  You can get more info here.

We worry so much about what other people think when we should be focused on just sharing our everyday lives. 

Ready Is a Lie 

One of Krista’s favorite things to say is “ready is a lie.” You will never be fully ready. You have to jump in and start sharing your story. 

Positioning yourself as an authority is what will push you to the next level. 

We trick ourselves into thinking that we have to be an expert in our field. Remember that you have created a transformation for yourself, so you can be confident that you can take someone else from point A to point B. 

If you think about someone being in the dark, struggling with the thing you used to struggle with, all you have to do is move them from the darkness to the light you have found. 

Position yourself as an authority in the light, and people will be drawn to you. 

When Krista started to branch out of network marketing and into her coaching business, she told herself all the lies about not being ready. She decided to jump anyway because she knew she could help other women. 

Her podcast hit #5 on the charts within a week. 

When you stop doubting yourself and living in a place of fear, a beautiful transformation can happen. Focus on helping. It makes all the difference. 

How to Attract the Audience You Want

When Krista was beginning to try and discover her ideal audience for her Beach Body business, she looked to the biggest female fitness influencers. These women had raving fans. 

She spent time engaging with their content and building relationships with people she already knew were interested in transformation through fitness. 

Thinking about what else her ideal person was doing was another way she worked on this. She thought about what magazines her person might be reading. She also tried to figure out who else they would be following. 

Once she could narrow all those things down, she was able to begin building relationships with her people. 

Interacting with Your Ideal Customer

Krista built most of her business on Instagram. She would create content and utilize hashtags to be discovered by people. She also knew that creating genuine connections would make a difference. 

She would search for “#lululemonleggings”, and if she came across someone who looked like her dream customer, she would leave a genuine comment on that person’s post. 

Not everyone will want your product or opportunity and that’s okay. You want to build your business and monetize off of those people who are truly part of your tribe. 

Guide to Attraction Marketing

Krista has created a guide that breakdowns the 3 steps to the attraction marketing framework she has shared with us today. With this guide, you will be able to take something away and implement it immediately. 

And don’t fear – this is a one-page guide that walks you through the 3 steps she shared today; it’s not overwhelming. No 65 pages to print out. 

I know that you aren’t shocked by anything you heard today. Krista teaches many of the same things I do but in her unique way. If you’ve been around for a while, it probably sounded very similar to what I say over and over.

I encourage you to get her guide and implement the steps today to find your ideal audience and future customers!

Action Steps:

Tired of being asked to create content for free... or better yet, a bag of granola?

Want to give them a piece of your mind? Or hit the delete button? You could...OR, you could steal the emails I use to flip those low-ball product offers into four-figure campaigns!