? Crafting an Effective Sales Sequence

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IE 404: Crafting an Effective Sales Sequence

Crafting an Effective Sales Sequence

What is a Sales Sequence?

Too many of my clients are making the mistake of waiting to offer a paid product to their list.

It just is a huge mistake.

There’s no reason not to get it in front of them right away.

We need to have a sales sequence in place as soon as they opt in in order to let them know that we offer products and to start making sales right out of the gate.

Let’s start off with what is a sales sequence?

A sales sequence is going to be a series of emails that come right after someone opts in to a lead magnet, a freebie, something that you’re giving them in exchange for their email list, and that sales sequence will come automatically based on the software that you are using for your email service.

Identify Your Target Audience

In order to create a sales sequence, you first have to be able to identify your target audience.

Spend time making sure you understood how to identify that target audience back a couple weeks where we really dove into knowing who the people are that you are trying to attract to you through your attraction marketing through creating content on your website as well as social media.

You really want to make sure you know who that person is and what you’re trying to send to them.

That is because when you create your sales sequence, it is targeted to them with a specific product in mind that is connected to the opt in that you offered.

Map Out Your Sales Sequence

We need to map out our sales sequence that we can better understand how these emails are going to get sent out.

One of the things that I always recommend is when you’re writing your sales sequence, You don’t need to necessarily write them right away inside of your email software.

I would actually recommend creating a Google folder where you’re going to keep your sales sequence and each one will be a Google Doc within that Google folder so that you can edit them, revise them and be able to use them in other sales sequences moving forward.

The first email that is going to come in the sales sequence is going to be the opt in delivery.

You want to make sure that whatever you are offering as your opt in is going to give them a small transformation so that they get value from it.

Also is then going to be a easy connection to the product that you are offering so that they already got a little bit of transformation and now they really want a bit more and they’re going to be willing to pay for that.

This is normally your tripwire product.

Optin Delivery

The first email that is going to come in the sales sequence is going to be the opt in delivery.

You want to make sure that whatever you are offering as your opt in is going to give them a small transformation so that they get value from it.

Then it is going to be an easy connection to the product that you are offering so that they already got a little bit of transformation and now they really want a bit more and they’re going to be willing to pay for that.

This is normally your tripwire product.

Now the opt in that you are providing with them in that first email is going to make sure that they download it because this is a piece of double opt in.

You want to make sure that your email service provider that you are using has you using a double opt in feature, simply them putting in their email went on your landing page or your landing form for your opt in is not good enough to qualify them onto your list.

They need to actually physically download.

You want them to take that action because if they’re not willing to take an action to download your email, opt in, are they ever going to take any sort of action in your email to then go and buy your product or read any of your articles that you were going to provide them with?

Your opt in delivery email is going to let them know to download it and it’s going to thank them for being a part of it.

Keep an eye on your inbox.

It’s short, it’s sweet.

You want them to take the action to download and make sure that they are confirmed subscriber to your list.

Double opt in is very important.

Pain Point Email

Do not skip this step!

The second email that’s going to get sent in this sales sequence is going to be a pain point email.

This is often seen as an introductory email, but you’re still having a call to action to the Tripwire product that you are offering.

The pain point email should hit on the pain points that you have, that they are having that is connected to the opt in.

If you were going to provide them with ways to not have your child tantrum and it was 10 tips and that was what your guide was, but now you have a workshop that goes more extensively into it, those are the pain points.

What are they struggling with when it comes to those tantrums?

That’s what the email should walk them through and how they can solve that problem with your Tripwire product that you are offering.

Testimonial Email

The next email that is going to come is your testimonial email.

This email is again going to hit on the pain points that they have, but it’s going to show how your testimonial person had the same pain points, but with the workshop they had a huge transformation.

That testimonial email is going to show how your person that has already bought your product had that same pain point that they did, but it was solved because of your product.

Q&A Email

Your next email is going to be a question and answer email.

This is going to talk about any questions they might have, any of the reasons why they’re not sure if they should do this, buy that product.

In this email, you set it up just like a question and answer piece on your sales page where they are, it’s shown with a question asked and then the answer. Again, some of those questions should hit on the pain points that your people have so that they can see that your product is going to give them the transformation.

Last Chance Email

Your last email in that sales sequence is going to be a “last chance email” because when you have a tripwire product and you were offering it at a discounted price, you usually will do it for 48 to 72 hours.

Therefore your last chance email is going to be short and sweet.

It’s going to have bulleted pain points that they have and how your product helps them overcome those things.

Implementation of the Sales Sequence

In order to have to implement the sales sequence, you need to be using obviously email software and that email software like we’ve talked about in the past, ConvertKit, MailChimp, MailerLite, Madmini, any of the ones that are out there, the Flowdesk, the ones that you are using, they are going to have a place for this to automatically be created.

This is where you’re going to take those Google Docs that you created of each of these emails and you’re going to copy and paste them into your email, into the software that you have some programs will call it an automation.

Some people will call it a sales sequence It’s going to be based on your Actual software.

You’re going to need to take a look inside there to make sure that you’re using it the right way.

You do not need to wait a week before you deliver a second email, and then another week for a third email.

Deliver it all within one day apart.

That’s all that you’re looking to do so that they are getting these emails and hitting on those pain points because they’ve come to you for a solution.

You need to offer it to them so that they know that you have it.

Analyzing the Sales Sequence

The last piece of your sales sequence that’s going to be really important is to make sure that you are analyzing it, looking at the data to see what is working well. In previous episodes, we’ve talked about what to put in an email subject line, and then we talked about good email subjects.

When you are looking at your sales sequence, you want to see if your email subject lines are actually causing them to work well.

If all of a sudden you look at your sales sequence and you see that your third email has a lower open rate than your fourth email, that’s a problem.

You need to make sure that you change your subject line, test something else out so that you know whether or not it is working.

You also not only want to pay attention to your open rate with your subject lines, but you also want to take a look at your click through rate.

If you were noticing that your click through rate is dipping, why is that?

Is it because you only have one button in your sales email?

Is it because you forgot to link to your actual product?

I’ve had clients do that in the past.

You want to make sure that you have one link going to your product, reminding them of it and creating that sense of, urgency that they want to take advantage of that Tripwire product before it expires.

All right, I truly hope that you were able to take this sales sequence and now be able to create that funnel for your email list that is going to sell your products.

Tired of being asked to create content for free... or better yet, a bag of granola?

Want to give them a piece of your mind? Or hit the delete button? You could...OR, you could steal the emails I use to flip those low-ball product offers into four-figure campaigns!