? Content Planning to Save YOU Time with Morgan Wieboldt

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Content planning saves you time by filling your editorial calendar in advance with topic ideas that go beyond arbitrary.

Instead you can be seen as an expert in your field by Google and start getting the traffic that you desire.

IE 133: Content Planning to Save You Time with Morgan Wieboldt

Clock sitting on a calendar

I am so excited to have a dear friend on the podcast with me today. You all have heard me talk about Morgan a thousand times and she’s finally on here! Morgan helps me keep everything in my business organized. 

Morgan blogs over at Morgan Manages Mommyhood, where she helps moms make their lives easier and their kids’ lives more memorable with fun kid food and hidden veggie recipes. 

She is also my executive admin and somehow manages to keep my stuff straight. And then she has a business, Systems to Skyrocket, where she helps bloggers create content more effectively through content planning and keyword research. 

What Is Content Planning? 

We hear the words “content planning” all the time. When I thought of content planning in the past, it always made me think of coming up with random ideas and putting them into my calendar.

That is not what content planning is. 

You have to look at your analytics to figure out what is working when you start out with content planning. 

The idea is to build upon what’s already working. If you have a blog post that’s driving traffic to your site, figure out how to write more content that’s either similar or is another take on the same topic. 

When you come with ideas out of thin air and post them, it’s most likely that they won’t be received well or searched for, because your audience wasn’t looking for that topic in the first place. 

How Do I Write A Content Plan? 

Morgan does a mix of updating content and republishing it, and creating brand new content. 

When she is creating that brand new content, she always starts by looking at her analytics. 

You have to set realistic goals for yourself. 

The reason most people fail in their content planning is that they plan to do too much. So perhaps you plan 2 new posts per week and you update an older post instead of saying you’re going to write 4 new posts every week.

Morgan creates a list of possible posts based on keywords from her analytics. She builds upon her previous posts and fills in slots on her content planning sheet with her ideas. 

Sometimes you will discover new post ideas based on previous posts. You can also create round-up posts of all the posts you have done with similar content. 

Ranking in Google

When planning your content, you also want to check your results on Google Search Console.

If you aren’t using Console, you should be! It allows you to see exactly what keywords you are already ranking for which can provide you with a ton of ideas for new content.

The crazy thing about Google Search Console is that you may be ranking for keywords that you weren’t even targeting. 

For example, Morgan has a 2-ingredient cheesecake bites recipe. In it, she uses the word Funfetti, but not as a keyword. The post isn’t about Funfetti. And yet she ranks #25 on Google Search Console for Funfetti. 

Having this information helps her know that she needs to go ahead and create a post about Funfetti cheesecake since she already ranks for that keyword and her audience is searching for it. 

This is how you use your analytics to create a content plan.

Morgan’s Services

Morgan offers several different services to her clients. Her favorite is her membership site where she can work one-on-one with her clients. 

She’s able to help them figure out exactly what posts they should be updating and what keywords they should be using. 

She also helps them fix any problems they are having with SEO. She does keyword analysis, giving them everything they could ever want to know (and then some) about a specific keyword or topic. 

She also just started a one-on-one beta program where she creates a 3-month editorial calendar and helps clients work towards growth and filling in gaps. 

Morgan’s goal is to have her clients’ posts ready 4-6 weeks in advance so that when life gets crazy or they get sick or go on vacation, they don’t have to worry about it. 

Morgan’s services are great for the blogger who understands keyword research but just doesn’t have the time to be doing it, as well as the blogger who hasn’t learned anything about keywords yet and doesn’t have the time right now to learn it. 

You want to be able to create your content and know that it will rank and get in front of your audience. Morgan can help you do that. Get the help you need today at  Systems to Skyrocket.

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