? Creating a Simple Content Marketing Strategy

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IE 267: Creating a Simple Content Marketing Strategy with Katrina Aronson

 Creating a Simple Content Marketing Strategy with Katrina Aronson

Today we have Katrina Aronson, she is a marketing led business coach, her claim to fame is that you don’t have to use super complicated ad strategies or a super expensive team.

She is trying to tell everyone that if you have a good business and your marketing efforts, specifically content marketing, is really strong then you don’t have to worry about doing all the fancy stuff. 

What is content marketing?

Basically, content marketing is a strategy that is focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent information that can be in the form of entertainment or education.

Ultimately your goal is to drive profitable customer action, so you create your content around that and ask for the sale.

Why is content marketing important?

It’s really because of the relationship part of marketing, people tend to think that marketing is just sales and it’s not, it’s about connecting.

It’s all about just realizing that sales are not “icky” and that you’re just talking to the person on the other side, and connecting with them.

Marketing becomes very fun! Content marketing gives you the ability to tell your story and add value while doing something good.

It turns into not just selling what you have, but connecting and then the sales happen easily.

What are some examples of content marketing?

You make money from the audience that you have, so you have to build your audience first.

An example is from Katrina’s jewelry business, she started off talking about everything that was business, one day she’d be talking about testimonials and the next day she’d be talking about margins.

Finally she realized that she needed to put her flag in the ground and start talking about one thing specifically.

Marketing is very broad so she created a podcast, but before that she would use social media to talk about strategic marketing tips weekly.

She would go on every Wednesday, on Instagram story or Live, people knew to expect it, it was easy for her and her audience, which made it less “awkward” every time she would get on 

Then, she was able to take that information and repurposed it into blogs.

She took something she was passionate about and that she could talk about constantly without having to worry about what she was going to have to say the following week.

How do we create a simple weekly content marketing schedule for our businesses?

Put your flag in the ground, what are you going to be able to talk about weekly and where are you doing it?

You need one singular place where you do podcasts every single time and you come in and do it like a boss, you talk about what you need to talk about. 

You want people to think that that is why they count on you for this information, because you do it so well.

When you have the content you repurpose it to your blog or a different media such as Instagram. 

And from there, there’s emails, now obviously people aren’t just going to watch because of the emails but it’s another way to put your content out there for your audience.

And then there’s a promotional email, telling them what’s already happened, and only giving them one place to click to go to the blog or podcast you’re trying to get them to.

Content Marketing Roadmap

Katrina’s content marketing roadmap allows you to make your schedule neater and easier for you to follow and implement.

It’s all offered on canva, it’s basically there so you can brain dump all of your ideas.

For further information and to connect with Katrina reach out to her on Instagram.

Action Steps:

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