? How to Recognize Limiting Money Beliefs & Overcome Them

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IE 385: How to Recognize Limiting Money Beliefs & Overcome Them with Julie Foucht

How to Recognize Limiting Money Beliefs & Overcome Them with Julie Foucht

Julie Foucht is the founder of the Art of Feminine Business. She helps spiritually based entrepreneurs who are tired of traditional guru formulas create businesses that reflect who they are and make them a lot of money.

How would you describe a limiting money belief?

A limiting money belief is any belief that gets in the way of receiving true abundance. We start with the belief that there is only so much money in the world. 

In reality, money is a resource of the energy of appreciation, and that energy is unlimited. It is only our willingness and ability to expand enough to receive it that limits the amount of money we have. 

What are some examples of limiting beliefs about money?

Women, in particular, can get a little uncomfortable talking about money. 

We have to look at the beliefs that limit us from being able to receive more money. 

Beliefs are not just made up. They come from our family. They come from society. They come from the religions we were raised in. 

Very often, they were created to control us.

Some examples of limiting beliefs are: 

You have to work hard for money. This belief was created so that factory workers would work hard. 

Women are not good with money. In the US, it wasn’t until the 1970s that women were allowed to open a bank account without a husband or father giving them permission to do so. 

If you have a belief that you are not good with money, you are either going to prove that belief by misspending everything you have or never allowing money to come in. Instead, you will focus on what you are good at. 

Money is the root of all evil. If money is from source and it the energy of appreciation, meaning we exchange money for goods and services, we are doing an equal energy exchange. 

If we hire others to do a service for us and they pay us for that, we have created an energy exchange. Let’s exchange words. 

Would we say that “appreciation is the root of all evil?” No, because appreciation is good and wonderful. 

We can shift that belief to anything that is the creative energy of the universe, anything given by God is good. That is the root of us being able to do more good in the world.

For women, we have to prove that we are as good as men. This comes from competition and scarcity. 

If we believe there is an abundance in the world, what is mine is mine, and what’s theirs is theirs, we give up all of the competition and we can do our work in the way that source designed us to do our work to the best of our ability when we are doing it. 

That is not only good enough, but also enough to save the world. It is putting your gifts into the world.

 When you are blue-collar, it is easy to relate to the concept of scarcity. You are taught that you must save and not spend because you never know when the next shoe will drop. 

Jenny’s family often tied the phrase “It is what it is” to money. 

In Julie’s family, the phrase was “Money doesn’t grow on trees. She married someone whose grandfather was an almond farmer and his money grew on trees so that disproved the belief.

What are some questions we can ask ourselves to recognize our limiting money beliefs?

First, consider what your parents taught you. For most of us, the earlier examples are what we have been taught. 

Money comes from currency. Currency comes from the Latin word for flow. Money is meant to flow. 

We are not meant to hoard it. When we hoard it because we think no more is coming, we stop the flow. We put a tap on our ability to both receive and spend. If money is not coming, we have to look first at what our parents taught us. 

  • What did society teach us? 
  • What do you think about money? 
  • How do you feel about setting your rates? 

When you tell yourself that you don’t need much, money responds with not coming much. 

When you believe that you want everyone to be able to buy your services and keep your rates really low because you don’t “believe in the outrageous rates that people are charging,” you have to examine what your belief is there. 

Is there a scarcity belief that if they have a lot of money, then you won’t? Is it a belief that you don’t have the value that they have? 

Where is the belief coming from? We have to drill down and ask ourselves “And then what?” 

Another great question to ask is how you feel about making a lot of money with your gifts. This is big for women because we are caregivers. 

Women often minimize their gifts and feel like they should share with others freely because they have been given those gifts. Your gifts were given to you so you could play this game of life. 

You are not made to go out there, struggle, and do something you hate to be able to pay your bills. You are made with gifts that you develop and market to play the game well. 

When we play Monopoly, we are given $200 to start. We are given our gifts so that we can charge money for them to pay the bills and live life in the best way possible.

One of Jenny’s clients often says that she doesn’t need the money because her husband supports her and she would never spend that amount on what she is offering so she cannot understand why others would. 

Julie thinks she should ask herself why she wouldn’t spend that on herself. Is it because it isn’t the right offer? Maybe she doesn’t need what she is selling. She has already mastered it. 

Where is the value in what she spends? On her children? If so, that is a scarcity belief. 

If she believed money was abundant and it was always available, you would know there is enough for you and your kids. Instead, she is teaching her kids that they get to have the best until they are grown up and then they won’t have that anymore. Moms want their kids to have everything. 

You must do healing work to determine what is under the belief that you cannot have something. 

Sometimes, it is an ancestral belief that women are supposed to be servants. Sometimes, this is a collective unconscious. There is a “Stay quiet. Stay hidden. Don’t ask for much” wound. 

We often pick up things from the collective unconscious of the world that we don’t want something if it means it will hurt others.           

How can we overcome our limiting beliefs about money?

You don’t have to try to overcome them. Beliefs are beliefs. If they no longer serve us, we can tweak and adjust them. 

Just trying to make ourselves believe something won’t work if subconsciously, we still don’t believe it but we can tweak it a little bit. 

Instead of “I don’t deserve it” maybe it can be that it is your right to have a coffee date once a week. 

You can move the belief a little bit at a time. It cannot be big because the unconscious brain shuts down what you don’t really believe. 

The parts of ourselves that hold the beliefs that hold us back are there to protect us. If we fight against those parts, they just shut us down. 

We have to be in communication with ourselves and dig deep to find out what weird beliefs we might be holding on to. 

Figure out how you can adjust the belief to make it serve you better. Be in charge of weighing the value of something to determine if it is for your highest and best good. It is a negotiation with your parts and beliefs.

Think about using your gifts to serve others instead of selling them. You are teaching them how to overcome and do what you know how to do. If you do not teach those gifts to others, you are being selfish. 

When you price the teaching, it makes those you are teaching accountable and want to do the things to fix whatever it is they need to do to solve the problem. 

If you don’t price those things accordingly, you are not going to be able to help those you should be helping. If you think of this as an energy exchange, you are giving your energy to them. 

If they are not giving back an equal energy exchange to you by paying you, you are creating karmic debt. They walk away owing you some energy exchange. We don’t want to create that for our clients. It should be currency and have flow.     

The Wise Witch Guide: Rituals to Raise Your Vibration and Increase Your Income

This includes some practices to help you including the Morning Clearing Practice. There are rituals around calling and having conversations with money. These are the practices that Julie starts her clients with to unveil mystical secrets that will transform business.


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