? Crafting Good Email Subject Lines to Boost Open Rates

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IE 402: Crafting Good Email Subject Lines to Boost Open Rates

Crafting Good Email Subject Lines to Boost Open Rates

Understanding the Importance of Good Email Subject Lines

What we’re going to do is discover the art of attention grabbing and good email subject lines that skyrocket open ranks.

This week we’re going to go into the very specifics of it.

Before we do that, we have to make sure that we understand the importance of good email subject lines.

In order for people to open your emails, you have to have a good subject line.

Your open rate is going to be key.

We want to see an open rate of above 40 percent on any size list, ideally is what we are trying https: otter. ai You have to have a good, strong subject line that is going to cause people to want to open it.

t is the first thing that they are going to see in their inbox and you have to make sure that it has specific key elements.

Key Elements of a Good Email Subject Lines


First of all, it needs to have a clear subject line.

People need to understand what it is that you are talking about when you put in a subject, so that it makes an instant connection to something that they are thinking about.


It also needs to be concise. If you put too many words into the subject line, they’re not going to be able to see all of it when they’re opening their emails from their phone.

With that in mind, you don’t want subject lines that are a long sentence.

You want short, to the point, so that they know what they’re reading is meant for them and they are interested to open.


You also want to make sure that it is relevant.

Which again goes to the fact that it’s for them.

They want to see themselves in what it is that you have there for the subject line, Something that they need.

What you also want to make sure that whatever subject line you use, it needs to be relevant to the content of the course of the email.

We’ve talked about emails in the past, that when you have an email, you want it to be short and sweet as well, but that content that you’re putting there should be related to the subject line that you have.


You also want to make sure that it’s interesting and that they can see themselves in it, that they’re shaking their head yes, you have qualified them, you have piqued their interest, and they want to know more.

Here are some tips. for crafting good email subject lines.

Tips for Crafting Good Email Subject Lines

Ask a Question

One of my top tips is to ask a question because when you’re asking them a question in the subject line, they immediately think to shake their head yes, and  then going to be qualified for what it is that you’re asking them.

When you do this, you should think about the pain point that your email is going to consist of so that they then will want to take the call to action that you are giving them in the body of the email, but before you can even get them into the body, you have to make sure that your subject line is a good one.

By asking a question, it will help you with that.

Use Emojis, Numbers or Symbols

You also want to use emojis, numbers, or symbols.

The reason for this is it’s going to stand out over everything else that is out there.

When you are looking to use emojis if you’re writing your emails on your computer, which most of us are doing on our laptop, you can use the website to go to EmojiCopy.com and that will give you an opportunity to be able to copy an emoji and be able to put it into your subject line no matter what email software you are using to write your emails.

This way it stands out.

Their eyes are going to be drawn to an emoji, a number or a symbol. So using those, it’ll set your email apart.

Experiment with Different Subject Lines

You also want to experiment with different subject lines.

What is working best for you?

The best way to do this is in your software, try out using A B testing.

It’ll provide an opportunity for you to be able to see if there’s a problem.

Analyze the Data

You also need to keep an eye on your data when it comes to analyzing whether or not those subject lines are valuable to your people.

This is especially important when we’re talking about the content pillars that you are creating.

We did an entire podcast episode just on creating a content pillar for your email.

You want to be able to see if that content pillar is one of the topics that they are interested in.

If you are seeing that your open rate is dipping when you’re talking about a specific topic, then you might be interest struggling because they are not necessarily as interested as you thought in that topic.

Really starting to take a look at the data that’s provided within your email software is going to help you to have a better idea if you were being effective with your email subject lines.

Examples of Successful Email Subject Lines

Like I said, we’re going to break this down.

Depending upon topics that you write on, these may apply for you.

You also will see that many of these, even if you don’t speak about a specific niche that I’m going to give you an example for, you could quite possibly use an example that I gave for a different niche and make it work for you.

Food – “Only have 10 minutes?”  “Ready for a secret ingredient 🤫?”

Parenting – “Tired of tantrums 🤯?”  “Wishing for better conversations with your teen?”

Travel – “#1 Bucket list tip inside” “Anxious about your flight ✈️?”

Wedding – “Don’t miss this venue tip” “Looking for venue help?”

DIY – “Ready for a thoughtful gift idea?” “Don’t make this #1 mistake…”

Gardening – “#1 reason your plant is dying…” “Wanting gorgeous blooms 🌹?”

Check out emojicopy.com for emojis to add to your subject lines to make them stand out.


Tired of being asked to create content for free... or better yet, a bag of granola?

Want to give them a piece of your mind? Or hit the delete button? You could...OR, you could steal the emails I use to flip those low-ball product offers into four-figure campaigns!