I am an eternal student. I love to learn and read, but it’s hard for me to make it all the way through a book (shiny object syndrome). I often lose interest and forget why I started it. In order to combat this and hold myself accountable as well as you, I established a monthly book club for Influencer Entrepreneurs just like you. Each month the members of my membership site, Mastering Your Influence, will choose a new book for the month and we’ll dive into the book together.
How to Participate in the Monthly Book Club
- Each week there will be a question posted on the Jenny Melrose Facebook Page, just before the weekly 11am EST free training.
- Answer the question asked within each thread.
- Then head over to Instagram and tag me (@jenny_melrose) in your stories by answering the prompt that was in the thread.
- Also be sure to use the hashtag #wwjmr and tag me any time you are reading your book from book club or implementing the strategies taught in the book.
- I will spotlight members that participate in my stories as well as send you a personal message.
Monthly Book Club Books
This contains affiliate links where I will earn a percentage of anything purchased.
You can choose to borrow, buy or listen to each of the books. I’m a huge fan of Audible because I can listen if I’m cooking dinner, driving the kids to gymnastics or even shopping at the grocery store.
- March –The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The One Thing was life changing for my business. I learned what I needed to do in order to scale my business to the next level and not feel like I was floundering doing #allthethings. The One thing is about finding that piece in your business that is going to take you to the next level so that all the other pieces of your business start to fall into place. Your focus becomes
- April –The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris
The 4-Hour Workweek forces you to take a look at how you are spending your time in your business. For someone who extremely Type A and also a bit of a work-a-holic this was difficult for me to wrap my head around. There were definite principles that I took away and have started to implement in my business, but I’m pretty sure that I’ll never ever only work 4 hours in a week.
- May – Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi
I always felt like the outsider while in college because it was an expensive liberal arts school where students like Bon Jovi’s daughter went to and I was there on a basketball scholarship. Keith Ferrazzi’s Never Eat Alone walks you through how to survive as the outsider and become an insider. It teaches you how to network in person as well as online. The expanded and updated version also dives heavier into networking on social media platforms not to drive traffic or sales, but to grow relationships that in turn drive traffic and sales.
- June – Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
We all want a profitable business, but between doing #allthethings who is truly paying attention to what is going into your business and coming out?! Mike Michalowicz’s Profit First takes the topic of income for a small business owner and put it all into perspective. His humorous way of describing topics like profit and loss statements and what percentage to put away for taxes, even kept someone like me that hates numbers entertained. Not only did I get through the entire book, but Profit First is the strategy that I use with my bookkeeper, Iyanna Vaughn of Lovely Financials Group, to keep my business a money-making machine.
- July – Will it Fly by Pat Flynn