? The Rise of Private Podcasts

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Discover why private podcasts are gaining popularity among creators and businesses! Learn how they boost engagement, monetize content, and build exclusive communities.

IE 436: The Rise of Private Podcasts: Why Creators & Businesses Love Them!

The Rise of Private Podcasts: Why Creators & Businesses Love Them!

What is a Private Podcast?

A private podcast is similar to a podcast in that you’re going to listen to it on your favorite podcasting apps, but the difference is that it’s a premium, so that you are paying in order to get access to those episodes.

Now you can use multiple feeds, or you can use the same feed that you are already using for your podcast For Influencer Entrepreneurs, my podcast.

We use the same feed, but we have private episodes offered for our premium members.

I’m able to deliver three premium episodes per week while still continuing to deliver my once a week episode for influencer entrepreneurs.

It simply provides more content for my audience to be able to engage with and they’re quicker and you’re able to implement those strategies.

Now that’s another reason that a lot of podcasters are wanting to create private podcast feeds.

You provide an opportunity for shorter bits of information where people have more actionable items that they can take care of and move forward in in their business or in whatever you are teaching to them.

Why have a Private Podcast?

As many of you may know, I have the private podcast Unhinged.

On this podcast, I share the raw, the real and what’s actually trending right now.

There’s no intro, there’s not a ton of editing.

It is what I am actually thinking, and there isn’t a ton of keyword research that goes into it, because I want to be able to deliver content.

It is what I am actually thinking at that moment.

This is largely a reason that a lot of people that are podcasters that already have an audience have decided to start to create private podcasts.

It provides them an opportunity to actually be able to share real, raw, relevant information that doesn’t have to go through the rigor of going through keyword research, because it’s being delivered directly to their fans.

Private podcasts provide an opportunity for podcasters to be able to deliver more content quicker, with direct strategies on what can work.

There’s no fluff to that, and this is a large reason that a lot of podcasters have turned to them.

Most of my premium podcast members are clients that are potentially already working with me.

They are students of my products.

They have been on my email list for quite some time and they are my ideal clients that I am looking to be able to attend my Insiders Retreat, which I will hold in November of 2026.

I am able to give them more information about what that retreat will look like, what they can expect to accomplish, and because of that, a private podcast works great, because I’m not necessarily looking to have everyday subscribers come to Insiders Retreat.

They’re also less likely to trust me to come because they may just be a listener that binges episodes every now and then, but my premium podcast listeners of the unhinged episodes are my people that have decided that they are hooked in.

They want to be part of my world, they trust me and then I’m looking to continue to gain more of their trust so that they want to attend Insiders Retreat.

How to Create Your Own Private Podcast

if you are thinking of trying to create your own private podcast, this doesn’t have to be that complicated.

It will depend upon your host. So, personally, I use Buzzsprout and I was easily able to set up the private feed Subscribers that are already there for influencer entrepreneurs.

Those premium episodes still show up in their feed, but they’re not able to listen unless they are premium members.

It provides audio to each of those episodes letting them know that that is a premium episode and to feel free to subscribe.

You can also decide what you want your premium price to be.

I’m delivering three episodes per week for a total of 12 episodes, normally within a month 12.

And because of that, I’m charging $5 a month.

You decide what you want it to be.

It gives you an opportunity to have an audience member that is in it and wanting to know all of the little tidbits that you are going to provide information wise and then is likely to continue to want to work with you because you are giving them all of these extra tips.

Action Steps:


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