• Are you building your business on someone else's property (social media)?
  • Ready to grow an email list that is yours?
  • Tired of feeling burnout and overwhelmed?
  • Ready to fearlessly make plans for revenue growth with a plan?

Here's what you'll get:

  • List Growth ($59 value) - List Growth will help you earn more money with less work and manage your time to get paid what you're worth by understanding how to actively grow your list with the right subscribers that become raving fans and buyers.
  • Mastering Overwhelm Workshop ($49 value) - Allows you to identify the signs of overwhelm and how to combat them by giving you an easy way to streamline your time and energy.
  • Revenue Planning Guide Workshop ($79 value) - Understand how to see and plan for exponential growth in your business by learning how to set quarterly goals and hit them!
  • Prioritize Your Pitch ($39 value) - Increase your income by learning to confidently pitch and work with national brands on sponsored campaigns.
Get all 4 now for FREE!

I have a passion for helping influencers earn what they are worth.

Hi, I'm Jenny, and my goal is to help women monetize their influence by pitching the brands that they love.

I am a former reading specialist who “retired” from my teaching career when my blogging income far exceeded my salary. Through hard work and dedication, my lifestyle blog, The Melrose Family, became regularly sought out by nationally recognized brands such as Neutrogena, Smuckers, Glad, Costco, Stanley Steamer, Sara Lee, and many more.

I am a content strategist that helps entrepreneurs better understand their messaging and unique position in the online space. 

Now, I'm combining my passion for teaching with my extensive experience of creating strategic content for online business owners via JennyMelrose.com and my podcast, Influencer Entrepreneurs with Jenny Melrose as well as my first book Influencer Entrepreneurs: The 4-Step Framework to Building Your Audience, Growing Your Business, and Making More Money Online.

You should be paid for your influence! Now let's dive in so you can!